Two Broads Abroad is a site dedicated to travel and food, not always in that order. The broads of the blog are myself, Jude and my partner Mz. Riz or as she has described herself, “I’ll be more like Hugh is to David Sedaris’ storytelling, mentioned but little seen”.
Sadly, Mz. Riz and I have parted ways but I still really like the name of the blog so I’m keeping the name. (Plus I wouldn’t risk losing my 100 followers my creating a new name.) Moving forward Two Broads will be just me. But I’m a Gemini, an astrological twin, so that means that I always have that unseen twin within, which in turn theoretically creates another ‘broad’. So the name does count, sort of.
I moonlight as a television producer, mostly of food/travel shows (go figure) and this job has taken me to Venezuela, throughout Europe and Russia. But working in a place is very different than stepping into a new place and discovering it. I consider my work trips as a free scout for vacations of the future. One of my most favorite shows that I worked on was “The Five Star Hotels of Italy”. It was the only time that I would ever step foot into and sleep in such expensive palaces. (I really don’t like to stay in hotels and would never pay that much for a room.) If beautiful hotels are your thing, you won’t be disappointed by these places the Hotel Sirenuse, Positano on the Almalfi Coast and Hotel San Francesco al Monte in Naples.
I come to television via the restaurant industry: I owned my own bakery, worked in many places in NYC as both pastry chef and cuisine. This makes me a double threat: I make kick ass croissants AND can butcher/cook any piece of meat you throw at me plus whip up a sauce to go along with it. Not bragging, but I’m a pro.
If you are a blogger and would like to add videos to your site consider my services. A video will help sell a cookbook, your public speaking services or lifestyle tips. (Video production page) When you hire me you’ll get twenty years of television production, a producer who knows food, a producer who listens to what YOU want to achieve in your video and delivers. They’re inexpensive and high quality.
In the next five years I hope to arrange my life so that I can spend six months out of the year living in a different country. Top of my list contenders: Chiang Mai, Viet Nam, Columbia and Copenhagen in the summer.