In my rush to clean up and write up our first Underground Supper Club I failed to include a recipe and a few of our sources for the ingredients that we used to create the meal. My weekly journey to the Hollywood Farmers’ Market provided inspiration and ingredients for our “Underground Supper Club” as well as our daily meals. This place makes me feel a part of a community … [Read more...]
Our First Underground (Not “Pop Up”) Restaurant
The last wine glass is clean and on the shelf. Now I can write. I find that I need to have the dishes done before I can sit down and write. Alas, a messy desk doesn’t bother me in the least. I asked a colleague of mine, Hiroki Miyano to take pictures of the event and taste the food as well. Hiroki and I have worked for nearly fifteen years. One of our favorite trips was … [Read more...]
Fresh Figs on Parmesan Crackers
Two Broads Abroad have decided to conduct a trial run for their pop up supper club. One of our goals in life is to live abroad for six months out of the year. Being practical women we want to be able to earn some money to support our life in our country of choice. Nahid’s skill set is the real moneymaker, she holds a masters degree in English as a Second Language. I, on the … [Read more...]
Camp Blogaway: Confessions of a neophyte blogger
Camp BlogAway I had planned on creating a blog about food and travel called “2 Broads Abroad” after our trip to Spain last year. Alas, the only solid thing to come out of my plan was to register the name for the site on Wordpress. … [Read more...]
Hello world!
Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging! … [Read more...]