According to Susan Miller, famed astrologer, the end of January and February are going to be great for a Gemini like me. And I have to say, so far so good.
I went to TechMunch to learn how to be a better food blogger and hawk my talents as a video producer. For any blogger on the fence as whether to attend this conference, GO. It’s small, informative, with diverse panels that mete out specific info yet doesn’t overwhelm. What I didn’t expect is that I would leave a winner of the BakeSpace’s Cookbook Cafe’s cookbook pitch. Of course being a true Gemini I only read the part where it says write pitch, send and get notified on Wednesday. I failed to read the
fine print that stated,
“PITCH – Live on stage for 2 minutes!
…If you win the pitch contest, you’ll get a cookbook deal (ebook & ipad app versions through‘s Cookbook Cafe) that will include an appearance on our live web series KitchenParty (with over 1M subscribers), a feature on our blog, mention in our newsletter as well as $500. Only 5 recipes needed for the cookbook and you don’t have to have the recipes ready now. You’re just pitching the concept.
Since I didn’t hear from TechMunch I figured I wasn’t a finalist.
Somewhere between “How to Secure Your Blog” and “How to Set Up Google Authorship” Babette, goddess of TechMunch, read out the list of finalists for the cookbook pitch eleven in all. Lo and behold my name was announced. Immediately I was filled with panic. I did not prepare anything. (To tell the truth, I kind of let the cookbook concept leave my brain since it’s already filled with too much stuff that I don’t use.) So I raced up to my room, grabbed my laptop, looked for the pitch and quickly wrote a cheat sheet. After hearing Erika Kerekes confidently pitch teaming up her brand new Not Ketchup with Beyond Meat, I kind of relaxed because I thought she won. I got up and pitched my idea, “Food I’ve Eaten Along the Way”. I have to say that I felt like I had my own cheering squad with Valentina, Cathy, Karen, Allison and Kelly. The panel asked me a few questions and I returned to my seat next to Valentina. Feeling very relieved that my ordeal was over.
Babette read the winners: In the Beyond Meat Category: Pattie Cordova of Living Mi Vida Loca.
For Fresh 20 Category: Mariko Jackson of The Little Foodie
Judith Lyness of Two Broads Abroad!
I only found out about winning $500 when I was speaking with Dorothy of Shockingly Delicious. (She always reads ALL the print on an entire document)
This is a great way to start the new year.
We were all so proud of you! Cannot wait to buy your cookbook! 🙂
Your cooking is so amazing and your stories are fascinating. I can’t wait for your cookbook to be finished! Congratulations, you deserve it.
Congratulations!!! I can’t wait to read your cookbook 🙂
Hi Judy- congratulations! Can’t wait to see your new cookbook and to cook from it. Best, Dana
Well, I wasn’t nearly as surprised as you were. It was an outstanding pitch!